Physical fitness is very much important to an individual's health. Together with a balance diet and enough sleep or rest or relaxation, performing a regular physical fitness activities can make the body physically healthy.
Physical fitness provides some benefits such as, vitality, good posture, relieves low back pain,retards aging process, ability to meet emergencies, neuromuscular skills, relaxation, improvement of personality and social skills, mental fitness and general health.
Performing regular exercise can increase vitality, as exercises makes the muscles fit which eventually uses less energy in performing a task.
It also helps to develop good body posture. Through exercises, an individual could maintain a general postural alignment. It promotes the development of anti-gravity muscles and eventually develops a good abdominal wall, arm and shoulder girdle. (hosting facebook credits)
Fitness or exercises also relieve low back pain. Low back pains are usually due to some physical activity and doing a regular physical fitness exercises can strengthen the abdominal muscle which relieved pain in the lower back.
Physical Fitness can also retards aging process. It was found out that doing regular physical fitness exercise can postponed, the deterioration of muscles that takes place when an individual grows older.
It also allows us to meet some emergencies. An individual who is physically fit can exert extra energy that can be used in the times of emergencies.
Physical fitness can also improve the neuromuscular skills. Through physical activities, their could be a smooth and efficient coordination of the neuromuscular system.
It can also provide relaxation wherein emotional and muscular tension are seemed to be relieved by the action taken with the skeletal muscle.
Physical fitness exercises can also improve the personality of an individual and develop social skills. Physical fitness can also serve as a mental exercise as it can provide mental relaxation to the mind.
It can also provide general health to an individual, as it can provide a high degree of general resistance to different diseases and illnesses.
Physical fitness is based upon the muscular system, the skeletal system, the circulatory system and the respiratory system. It has several components and these are the Balance, Coordination, Flexibility, Strength, Agility, Speed and Endurance.
Balance is the ability to maintain the neuromuscular control of the position of the body. Coordination means the ability of the integration of movements of different body parts in a smooth, efficient and purposeful pattern or effort. Flexibility is the ability to perform maximum range of movement at the various body parts. Strength is the ability to exert maximum force in a single contraction. Agility is the ability to change direction of the position of the body parts. Speed is the ability to make a rapid movement in successive and similar manner and the Endurance is the capacity of an individual to sustain.
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