Monday, September 3, 2012

Make Money By Using Auto Blog

If you new and not familiar with auto blog, it just like a normal blog with full of massive content inside. The different in auto blog is that those content inside there not necessarily written by blogger himself, it could re-use the content which published by other people. The great part in auto blog is that you not need to turn on your computer to insert blog content, it all happen in autopilot mode when you just need to setup the schedule and setting then the auto blog software will run it all while you sleeping.

However, many people claimed that auto blog as spammy and selfish act by ripping other people content off and claiming for themselves. If you think like above then you are totally wrong. You cant survive in long term if you using above strategy as it build up poor network reputation and your blog get banned by blog service provider.

How To Make Money Online Using Auto Blog In Proper Way?

1. Remember To Include Original Path

People do hate plagiarism, think about what you feel when your content got stolen by other and used by someone else to gain profit for themselves. Use the content legally to avoid any unnecessary issue occur and gain quality reputation by your reader. You can either do not delete original links on the published articles or put in link path which point to original resources where those content come from.

2. Add on Plug In To Gather Material

Auto blog software require plug in to survive. Those additional plug in and application software use to gather information and new material which include in your blog. Which mean, the more material gather, the larger content in your site. The featured plug in capable to promote your blog and increase targeted visitors, subscribers and traffic drop by your blog. Any newly content which relevant with your niche will displays in your blog instantly by including original source path.

3. Relavant Keywords..SEO Keywords..High Searches Keywords

If you make money write blog or articles online, then you sure familiar that keywords are helpful to increase traffic and popularity to your websites. You need to have the proper SEO (search engine optimization) keywords in your blog to do the right job. Too much or too few keywords may compromise your website credibility and accuracy of your content. Your blog will full of junk and inaccurate information then ruin your quality content if your have too much keywords. While, if you lack of keywords then your website will missing some important informative which cause reader loose interest to keep on reading it.

Related articles In Bukisa:

1. How To earn $120 Per Month By Blogging

2. Get Targeted Traffic To Bukisa With Free Seo Tools

3. Surefire Ways To Increase Traffic And Make Money Online With Free Seo Tools

4. Increase Clinkbank Sales And Drive Massive Organic Traffic With Only One Click

If you interested to make money online by submiting articles, come and Join Bukisa HERE!

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