Wednesday, October 10, 2012

auto posting software or craigslist auto poster - Education - Science

you would like to know more about ang software or craigslist poster then you should definitely visit commercial posters can create unlimited email and Craigslist accounts and post ads on autopilot. However, these standard features do not ensure trouble free posn Craigslist. You need to look for asting software that offers cutting edge utilities. Specifically, the best auto software should offer proxy support, Captcha Bypass, and auto tracking tools.

If you want to have the best posting software for Craigslist, make sure that it can offer these three crucial features. Here are the reasons why you should look for these features.

Excellent Proxy Support

Craigslist generally discourages the creation of multiple accounts and posting ads coming from those accounts. The site monitors the activity of users by tracking IP addresses. If you have several accounts coming from one IP address only, then Craigslist could suspend your accounts and block your IP. Because of this, you need autopost oftware that has the capability to work using different proxy IP addresses. With the use of proxies, you can create multiple accounts and post ads without the danger of getting the axe from Craigslist.

The best auto software, like the Clad Genius autoposter, will allow you to use several paid and public proxies. This application has a built-in proxy drone that can search hundreds of available proxies. With such functionality, your multiple accounts and massive ad campaigns will not be detected by Craigslist.

The Value of Captcha Bypass

A Captcha Bypass is not a usual feature of autosoftware. Without a de-captcher, you will be forced to manually type the Captcha codes every time you post ads. This defeats the purpose of automation. If you have hundreds of ads, typing hundreds of Captcha codes is very tedious and could take all day.

So you have to use autosoftware with reliable Captcha Bypass tool. You can get such tool from Clad Genius auto poster. This software has an automated de-captcher for Backpage and Kijiji. For Craigslist, Clad Genius uses a dedicated de-captcher service so you can fully automate your ad posting and campaigns.

Effective Ad Tracking Feature

Some Craigslist advertisers fail because they can not track their ads on the listings. For some reasons, there are users on Craigslist that will ghost or flag your ads. This is not good because your ads will be taken down from the listings. So you need posting software that can effectively track all your ads.

Auto tracking is very important especially if you have hundreds of ads on Craigslist. It is impossible to track these ads manually. If yourposting software has a tracking tool, all your ghosted and flagged ads will be automatically reposted.

Clad Genius autosoftware has excellent ad tracking tool. This tool immediately kicks into action once you start the software. It will scan the listings to find ads that have been ghosted. Clad Genius will immediately place the ghosted ads on queue and repost them immediately. This feature enables you to fully maximize the visibility of your ads on Craigslist's listings.

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