A major part of managing your budget is by managing your employees effectively. For many organisations, their employees are one of the largest overheads they have. There are many different techniques and processes required to manage your employees well. One important aspect is accurately determining your current and future supply of human resources, and your current and future demand for them. This allows a company to avoid any resourcing gaps that occur from an under or an oversupply of employees in comparison to the amount of relevant jobs available.
Many managers also fall into the trap of believing that if there are a specific number of jobs that require a certain amount of people, and the organisation has that number of employees, then there is no need to worry. However, effective employee management is also about making sure that the right people with the right skills, availability and aspirations are matched to the roles required, as opposed to filling the roles up simply because there is nobody else to do the job. The big challenge becomes how. How do you track, not only the numbers, but also the profiles of individual employees in terms of their skills, locations, training etc, both at present and into the future? As well as how do you track current and future jobs, and the skills, locations and roles required for that, and then match up the existing resources?
Resource management software is one of the most intuitive solutions to this age old problem faced by employees. One great example of software that powerfully addresses this challenge is SAVIOM Resource Management Software.
Firstly, Saviom determines current and future resource supply by systematically recording and managing all relevant information for the entire organisation. Hence Saviom provides visibility on the quality and quantity of employees. It records information such as: Location in terms of department, office, city or country Working history, which includes projects, jobs, and managers worked for, work areas. Capabilities such as training, education, skills, certification Availability in terms of jobs the employee is already booked on, as well as planned and unplanned leave Contracted role i.e. part time, fulltime, casual Cost of the employee Desires roles the individual is interested in, career aspirations etc.
Secondly, Saviom determines the current and future demand for human resources by assessing the jobs that are ongoing or jobs that will be taking place in the future. Saviom then determines what all the roles that need to be filled are. It notes down such information in terms of: Location of the job Roles and capabilities required for the job Duration of the job Amount of work and therefore amount of employees required Revenue associated with the job Whether it is internal work, or client related work. What department it falls under
Finally, Saviom matches the resource demand with the resource supply, and hence is able to identify the resource gap in advance so it can deal with it appropriately. By defining the different fields above, this powerful software is able to identify the jobs available and roles required, and then search the pool of available resources to see which ones fit the job.
This gives managers a clear view of any resourcing gaps that is occurring today and any that need to be addressed in the future!
SAVIOM Resource Management Software is great for tracking accurate information on your employees and jobs available in the real time. It is software that is a must of identifying and thus avoiding resourcing gaps that can cost an organisation a lot of money. Finally, what makes Saviom unique is that it can be tailored to suit your organisations needs whilst remaining affordable and easy to use.
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