Sunday, November 18, 2012

Majoring in Marine Biology - Education - Science

It can sometimes be confusing for students to decide whether they should major in Marine Biology or just go for other related sciences. It is important to know that there are requirements needed in high school to get into a good college or university that will help you hone your skills further and prepare for the actual profession. You have to understand the differences between majors then make the final decision on what course is best.

What are the Requirements for the Marine Biology Course?

There are no specific requirements to get into the Marine Biology program at present. Any student who wants to take the BS Marine Biology course is recommended to take up as many math and science subjects as possible. Some of the good foundations include Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Trigonometry and Precalculus.

You can major in Marine Biology if you have a big interest in learning about different aquatic organisms and the marine environment in general. You can also major if you want to become a voter and informed citizen, since several current issues include policies that are related to the conservation and use of the ocean and coastal habitats, plus the use of the marine resources.

If you are majoring in Marine Biology, can you do a minor or double major in other subjects?

You can do a minor or double major in other subjects in the university, except for biological sciences, since it is given by the same department as your major in Marine Biology. You are not required to do a minor. You should consult the department head or advisor for more data.

Undergraduates should not specialize very quickly. Marine biology majors, especially those who plan to be professional marine biologists, take a strong foundation in a wide range of subdisciplines in modern biological sciences. Marine biology programs in a number of institutions can include marine-related courses only. It is not ideal, but BS Marine Biology requires students to take up Calculus, Chemistry, Physics and four courses in various subdisciplines in biological sciences, apart from marine biology electives.

What is the difference between Oceanography and Marine Biology?

Oceanography is described as the study of oceans and the physical, chemical, geological and biological processes that happen within the subject. It is a subject that can be studied in graduate school and needs undergraduate training in biology, physics, chemistry and geology. Marine Biology emphasizes on the biology of different organisms that thrive in the ocean. It is a subdiscipline of biology, but sometimes overlaps with Biological Oceanography.

What are the differences between majoring in Marine Biology and Biological Science major?

The two majors need general chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology, physics, calculus and four core courses in biological science. While BS in Biological Science requires microbiology course, and plant biology course, the curriculum still requires students to take up oceanography and then complete 36 credits of biology with electives in marine biology. You can take up biological science even if you want to become a marine biologist, provided that you also take up the subject.

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