Friday, November 2, 2012

SEO: Five Issues to Consider Before Buying Article Submission Software - Publishing - Writing

One of the most important search engine optimization strategies that you can implement is writing articles and submitting them to the thousands of article directories for people to use on their websites. If you have not tried already, submitting to thousands of article directories can be a long and painful experience. One of the tools that is most useful in helping you get your articles out is Article Submission Software but be warned not all Article Submission Software is the same.

There are in fact five key issues you must consider before investing hundreds of dollars in Article Submission Software. The five core issues to consider are as follows:

1. Ability to Add New Directories to your Software2. Ability to Have Independent Logins for Each Article Directory3. Must Have the Ability to Submit to a range of at Least Five Categories4. The Ability to Automatically Submit Articles5. Ability to Prevent a Submission If There is No Categories

I am sure you are quite aware of the dynamic change that occurs on the internet and how it is in a constant state of change and in the world of article directories this is an absolute.

The first issue that you must ensure your new article directory software is able to do is to add new article directories to your list of submission sites. Often article submission software will come with preset lists of article directories and for example they may come with 300 article directories programmed into the software. The problem with this is that you will find over a period of months that the operability of these article directories will change.

For example, when I first started using article submission software the tool I was using had roughly 300 article directories. With in 2 months of using this software over 60 of those directories became in-operable. This meant the software usefulness became less and less as time went on.

Some of the other issues that you will find are that some article directories will not approve articles regularly or they may have a policy of only approving a certain number per month and if you are a regular writer you could find that your articles are not approved. Non-approved articles are costing you money, so whilst the software may specify that it submits to 300 articles, in reality only 40 directories may approve your article in the first week and less and less approve it as time goes on. As such, the more article directories you submit to, the more likely it will show up in the directories and people will use it on their own websites.

In the article directory world there are roughly three or four article directory engines and each one has its own issues. Your article submission software must be able to work with all article directory types and an important aspect is to be able to have a unique login for each article directory. The reason you will need this is that some sites use a common login system rather than your email address which will be unique. For example the article dashboard directory engine uses your email address as the logon which as such must be unique on the internet. Other article directory engines use a logon that you have to create. You may find when registering for these article directories that your logon is already used, so for this directory you will need an alternative logon. As such it is better to have each article directory with its own logon in the Article Submission tool.

Every article submission software system must have the ability to choose five categories in which an article could be submitted to. One of the things my team and I have found in surveying the thousands of article directories on the internet is that no two article directories have the same list of categories that you can submit your articles to. Because of this you need to purchase article submission software that allows you to choose up to five categories so that you have the greatest chance of finding a category automatically.

The next issue is an extension of the previous paragraph and that is, the software must skip the article submission process if it cannot choose or find an appropriate category. The quickest way to be banned from article directories is to submit your articles to the wrong the categories. It is better to not submit your article to the article directory than to submit it to the wrong category.

The last and final issue that your article submission software should have is to be able to automatically submit your articles. If you can not submit your articles automatically then you will find that the process of article submission will be painful and long winded. What I have found in the past, is that if you do not automatically submit your articles, you will find after a while that your passion and desire for writing articles will wane simply because of the time that it takes to submit them.

If you are buying Article Submission Software, use it wisely. One of the big mistakes I see with people who buy this software is that they will submit their same article to the article directory 4 or 5 times over a period of a few months. Let me be blunt - DO NOT DO IT - YOU WILL GET BANNED. You should only be using this software to submit your articles ONCE! Article Directory owners do not tolerate spamming of their article directories and in reality, it does not help you. The secret to article directories and using it in your seo strategy is to write regularly.

You will find that the more you write, the easier it will get. However, if you write one article and resubmit it or change only the heading or a few words, article directory owners will pickup on this and you could find yourself banned. If you ever accidentally submit your article more than once, make sure you visit every site and delete the additional submissions. Once again, article directory owners take a dim view on people who spam their directories so DO NOT DO IT.

Article Submission Software can be a huge time saver but it must be used wisely in the SEO Process and it must be used ethically. If you are not going to be an ethical writer then you will find yourself banned in the article directories and you will not have any recourse.

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