Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is the Church Crucifying the Local Wedding Vendor - Spirituality - Religion

Is the Church Crucifying the local Wedding Vendor?

Before I get into this topic I must say that this is one that I have wrestled with for many years. You see that my career in the wedding industry spans for close to Thirty years, But my unshakeable faith and relationship with God Spans for nearly forty years. Both contributed greatly to who I'm today and I thank them both. While pondering whether or not to write this. I decided to invoke the advice of some of my closest friends, Take a poll. These friends represent both sides of the aisle. One half knows me they know my deep Christian faith they would say that I also work in the wedding industry. Most of them were people chosen to do Gods will in one way or another. The other half were the very people that work day to day in the wedding industry. They would say that weddings are my passion and I'm defiantly one of the most knowable persons in the industry. Both halves told me to leave this subject alone. But more interesting than that was when I ask them for a true and hon est answer to the question "Do you think this topic is true? Not one of them answered no each one quickly said" that the topic was true, but they would not touch it."If I lived by Polls I would not be doing this writing. As I continue on, because I feel so impelled to do so. I'm reminded of a speech that Dr. Martian Luther King," The Cross we bear precedes the crown we wear. To be a Christian one must take up his cross, with all of its difficulties and agonizing and tension-packed content and carry it until that very cross leaves its marke upon us and redeems us to that more excellent way which comes only through suffering.As a Christian "Jeffrey Bost "Is willing to bear his cross regardless of obstacles and regardless of the cost. I know that the Church and the local wedding vendors can sit down and work towards first admitting the problem and bridging the gap. There is no question. I have found thru my studies a lot of small wedding businesses has fail or was forced out of business because of it's now number one competitor THE CHURCH. I remember the time when As a Wedding Vendor you could go to the church and find out who was getting married and that was it. The church did not have any rules as who did what. The only part that it was concerned with was the marriage. The Part between bride, groom witness and God. In most cases the minister never showed up for the rehearsals. In today"s World the church has their own network of wedding vendors. The reason being is that with to days mega churches many having thirty thousand plus in the congregation and refuse to let anyone get married in the church without using their wedding network. Not only are they restricting their own members from using outside vendors, they are putting together bridal shows aggressively seeking to get the brides that are not member and does not have a place to get married. This does two things 1. It takes anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 from the local vendor With every w edding held.. 2. It does not give the bride the choice of having the person that she want to do her wedding. In most cases these services are provided by little old church mothers that have nothing else to do. WeWHY ARE THEY SO SUCCESSFUL? Well most of us have heard of the Jay Leno top 10 well here is the wedding firm's top ten to why the church is so successful10. No advertising 9. No marketing needed8. A large numbers of members are single female7. Most other family members got married their6. The profit for the church is 100%5. In most cases you know the person that doing the most cases people will trust the church3 people are loyal to the church2They are lead by head of their church1.People don't question "God"How is the bride being crucifted ?

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