Monday, March 4, 2013

Photographic Memory Game on your Cell Phone - Technology - Cell Phones

Did you know your memory is like a muscle, and the more you use it the stronger it will get? One of the most common reasons for memory loss is not getting enough brain stimulation. Memory exercises are simple to do, but most people either get bored with them or dont remember to do them every day. If this describes you, theres a simple solution. You can now get photographic memory training games on your cell phone or iPod.

With mobile technology advancing fast, many software developers have been focusing their attention on mobile apps for iPhones, Android Powered phones, and other smart phones. All types of games are being created- action games, arcade games, classic board games, strategy games, and much more. But if you experience forgetfulness at times, or would like to improve your memory, youll be interested in mobile memory games.

Memory games are designed to exercise your brain and improve your visual retention. One of these games is called Memory Loss. Memory Loss is a uniquely designed game with 10 levels, each increasing in difficulty. It starts out with some items on the screen, then after a short period of time the screen changes and many objects appear. Your goal is to remember which objects were on the previous screen.

This type of visual training is a great way to improve your photographic memory, as well as your overall short term memory. Of course you can get the same benefits by memorizing playing cards, playing a memory board game, or other simple brain exercises. But the convenience of being able to play a memory game anywhere, at any time has caused many people to give this game a try.

Whatever method you choose to use to improve your memory, make sure you do the exercises daily. Daily brain exercise will not only speed up your memory improvement, but it will also be a lot more effective than if you just practice a couple times per week. Its not uncommon for people to double their short term memory after only 1 week of daily practice.

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