If you have played World of Warcraft for any length of time you will know that alchemy is a solid way to make some easy gold. There are some obvious methods to do this, as well as some hidden gems. The goal of this article is to give you a few more ideas to maximize your return on your investment into alchemy. However, if you want a more detailed guide on leveling alchemy or you are eager to learn some of my secrets on leveling fast visit my most recent website by clicking the link provided at the end of the article.
The most common thing many people think of is selling your transmutes. This is a no brainer method to make some easy gold, but the downside is that you have a limited amount you can do each day. To make things worse you have to decide between a few different profitable options. It is important to check the values of both the products used to make the transmute, as well as the results. If you are simply selling your cooldown you should still check these numbers to make sure you cannot pull a higher profit on your own.
In most cases the Living Elements transmute will be your best option. The price of volatile life is often much less expensive than some of the other counterparts making this an easy choice. The key to this is pricing the volatile element prices to ensure that you are getting the best return on your investment. On some servers I know you can easily pull off a six to one return by watching the markets and timing the sale at the right time.
Of course you may not want to deal with watching the auction house. You will be happy to know that you can simply sell off the cooldown for a flat rate. The price will vary by server, but currently the transmute will not. You can expect to be making a lot of truegold if you go this route. If you happen to be a transmute master you can make a killing this way.
While it should be noted that the previous method doesn't rely on having a mastery, the next method is going to rely on them.
Flasks are in high demand by all raiding guilds. Being an elixir master puts you in the position to make these for a profit.
In most cases, items on the auction house will sell at the base cost of the materials used to make them. Consumables, like flasks and potions, are no different. The key to making your money is by having elixir (or potion) mastery. This gives you the ability to proc multiple product with one set of materials. In most cases you will simply make 1, but over time you will find that you end up with enough procs to make a decent profit.
As a raider, I can tell you that I use these very tricks to support any costs that I have from raiding and have for years. Simply doing an element transmute each day pays for the repair bills, while I make the potions and flasks with my specialized alchemists to support my consumable needs by simply keeping the procs for raiding and selling the initial amount to get my money back. Simple tricks like this will have you making money, and saving a lot, in no time flat.
For more useful tricks and strategies on how to make money and become better and better, visit my website.
Best Leveling Alchemy Guide
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