Monday, December 2, 2013

Outlook Express Recovery - Computers - Data Recovery

Are you using Outlook Express to carry out email communications in your organization? If yes, then are you facing some issues while sending emails, of late? This problem could be surfacing because of corruption in the Sent Items.dbx file, which is a proprietary file that stores all the emails that you have sent. Such corruption situations can arise due to virus infections, abrupt or unplanned system shutdown, header corruption, etc. You should try to fix the problem by renaming the original Sent Items.dbx file to create another copy and recover Outlook Express emails. However, if that does not solve the purpose then you should use a third-party Outlook Express recovery software to address the situation,

Let us consider a situation in which you are using Outlook Express 5.0. when you try to send an email, you are unable to do so. An error message is displayed in this regard to notify about the problem.

"An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800C013B."


The most possible cause of this error in Outlook Express is that the Sent Items.dbx file is damaged or corrupt.


To address this problem, you should rename the Sent Items.dbx file and restart Outlook Express to automatically create a new copy of Sent Items.dbx file. The following steps are required to do this:

Click Start | Find, and click 'Files or Folders'.Type 'Sent Items.dbx' in the 'Named' box.Select the primary hard disk in the 'Look In' box, and click 'Find Now'.From the list of search items, right-click 'Sent Items.dbx' file and click 'Rename'.Type 'Sent Items.old', and click OK.Restart Outlook Express. Now, try to send an email to check if the problem is solved or not. On most occasions, this method would work.

However, if the problem is still persisting then it means that the DBX file is severely damaged. In such cases, you should use a third-party dbx recovery tool to repair the corrupt DBX files. These tools recover Outlook Express by restoring all emails without modifying the original DBX file.

The most recommended DBX recovery software that works for Outlook Express 5.x (5.0, 5.01, and 5.5) and 6.x versions, is Stellar Phoenix Outlook Express Recovery. With the competency to recover emails from damaged DBX files from any logical corruption, this Outlook Express recovery software preserves the formatting of the RTF and HTML messages. In addition, this mail recovery tool is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, and 2000.

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