There is no doubt that the dynamic websites have a number of merits which the static website does not have. It is an easy way of creating new web pages 'on demand' or when the demand for the page comes with a command or a click on a link. The information is retrieved from the database and the page is created. These considerably reduce the work of the programmers and the designers who, otherwise, have to create separate web pages in the static format. Though the dynamic websites might reduce the work load of the designers and programmer, the SEO services providers usually do not prefer to work on these sites since these are considered unfriendly for SEO operations. So, what is the way out?
Let us first examine why the search engines do not like the dynamic web URLs. A dynamic URL is the one which has some special character like a questions mark or an ampersand or any other special character. The SEO services providers know that the search engine spiders do not encounter a real web page and even as they encounter a dynamic URL, they are not aware of the special characters. For the spiders of the search engines, the site is a series of never ending links. If there is a session variable in the site, the robots of the search engines will go into the infinite loop. Every new visitor will have created a different URL with a session ID coming at last and changing with every new visitor and every new page. Therefore, the search engines get perplexed by this.
Professional SEO services provider can fix the dynamic website for you in such a way that the URL will become static. They devise some of the ways to create the static URLs, as follows:
1. Static Front Page: In this method the source code of each web page is copied and a new static page is created with the extension .htm or .html.
2. Changing the server side programming: This is a little cumbersome process and requires a person to have the knowledge of server side programming as well about the hosting server. The basic idea is to get the '?' converted into '/'. This can be achieved by making use of the third party software, the ASP.NET, Cold-Fusion, Java Server Pages (JSP), Perl, PHP and Apache software.
3. XML feed: This is very important to have the XML feed for the dynamic website. For search engines like the Google and Bing, this feed is a must.
Although it is best to have a static website done in the HTML if there are not too many pages and the site is planned to be promoted in the search engines, this is not usually the case since the dynamic websites have their own merits. However, considering the rush of the business towards opting for the SEO process, it is quite obvious that the HTML or static websites are contending strongly for once again becoming the leading coding languages for the websites.
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