Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How To Make Green Energy At Home - Home - DIY

These day, many people are trying to "Go Green". What could be greener than making your own pollutant free

Green Energy right in your own home. I'm writin How To Make Green Energy At Home for under 150 Dollars to expose a

secret that's been hidden from mankind for far too long.

The Secret is that of Nikola Tesla, who was a genius in the study of electricity. Too much of a genius, in fact, for the first

fledgling, but very profitable electric companies of the time, Westinghouse and Edison. First, Tesla invented alternating

current, which was eventually adopted over Edison's direct current, despite Edison's best efforts to continue to use his

direct current. But when Tesla later devised a way for all people to pull their own electricity directly from the atmosphere,

for free, Westinghouse and Edison had already grown way too big to fight. They tried to buy him out. Westinghouse

admits that the contract they offered Tesla would have made him the world's first billionaire. Tesla refused, and was

promptly harrassed, financially ruined, and ostracized from the field of study and business.

For the last 100 years, Tesla's secret has been kept under wraps by all the vested interests from electrical producers to the

suppliers of the natural resources that are used to produce our electricity. Most of the world's electricity still comes from

it's filthiest source, coal. Imagine the worldwide impact it would have on global warming, on famine and disease, on

communications, if every man woman and child had access to free, clean, green electricity.

Green Energy is an idea that seems to be beyond the reach of everyday folks. How can we affect what our electric

company does or where they get their electricity generated? Of course, we can't, but we now can learn how to make

green energy at home ourselves, cheaply.

The idea of all people freely producing their own electricity is a little too big a concept for me to get my head around,

actually. If we were all pulling free electricity from our energy loaded atmosphere, we could all feed and clothe ourselves,

heat our homes, fuel our cars, heck, build our homes, and talk to anyone at any time. I wonder if even John Lennon could

"imagine" it.

Wikipedia estimates that there is 174 petawatts in Earth's atmosphere. That's 174,000,000,000,000,000 watts just floating

around in the air we breathe every day. You, consumer, require only the tiniest fraction of this energy to provide for

yourself and your family. There's no pollution created, no radioactive waste, just energy that you borrow from the

atmosphere and return it right back. Of course, energy cannot be created or destroyed, so you are really only borrowing

it, like beer, lol.

So now you just need a machine to tap into Earth's electrical force. Now that machine's design is within your grasp.

Tesla's Secret is out. It's already in the hands of almost 100,000 people and generating free electricity for them every day.

Now it's your turn. Discover Tesla's Secret, purchase the components at a local hardware store for less than $100,

assemble, plug in, and save gobs of money, indefinitely.

Big Oil will never allow you to buy such a machine at your local hardware store, but they can't prevent you from building

your own. All it takes is the know-how, and soon you'll know how to make your own green energy, supergreen, right in

the comfort of your own home. Our time is now, do it today.

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