Sunday, January 22, 2012

Google new technology reduce the user to wait - Business

September 9, news search engine has become, although the Internet's most basic, one of the most popular applications, but search technology and didn't stop the development. Recently, Google continuous launched desktop voice search, image search and Instant page (the and so on the new search function mix), to cause the attention of the search field in the industry. A few days ago, the phoenix nets in the dialogue Google product management director Joanna, Johanna (white) lady know to Wright, although Google did not immediately launched in mainland China, but China user page function can still be through the access enjoy this function brings "zero wait" page load the experience.

According to white, the technology is introduced with Google, Instant page function will greatly shorten the users take to load of the search results page of time, users to click on search results can immediately after the corresponding page load, without waiting for. This is because when Google search algorithm that article first search results is the result of the users are looking for, will in search of user input content at the same time in the background of the web page loading in advance. She revealed that, despite the Chrome browser support this function only, but because the Chrome browser is open source, this function can also be integrated into the future in other browsers.

Asked about the mainland area users when can use Instant page function, white said, Instant page function need Google technical support, the latter to allow the user to enter a search keywords in completely before they can preview the search results page; Because Google did not in mainland China launched the Google, so users can't directly in the mainland. Com. Google hk's simplified Chinese search Instant page function. Even so, she said, the mainland users can still through the access page enjoy the search speed bring immediate page of ascension.

In addition, white also introduced desktop voice search and image search function. She says, Google as early as 2008 in mobile equipment introduced a voice search function, and now Google will this function brought to the PC platform, the user simply to the microphone to speak can complete search, no need to manually enter the keywords. Image search may help users understand the contents of a picture information, such as users will be a famous scenic spot in the photo image search, Google will tell the user name, the corresponding attractions geographical position and other information. But, asked about the precision degree of image search, he admitted, at present the technology also can only identification on the Internet appear higher frequency for less appeared in pictures, pictures on the Internet, Google it is hard to identify.

White says that, although the image search and instant page function mainly based on users to search the frequency and relevant information on the Internet, but Google appear the frequency in the user's mainstream demand and, at the same time, trying to meet the personalized needs of users. Currently, Google has in view of the user's search history information on a single user of the search results are optimized, such as a user in a search results page click on the link below the slant, Google may be in his next search the key words will this link position in advance. She also said, although a lot of data collection, but Google pay great attention to the user privacy protection; In the image search, Google will only will users to search the pictures and posted on the Internet, so the user matching pictures don't worry about your privacy leak out.

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