Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lottery Prediction Methods And Algorithms

How many people do play lottery? Millions... Do all of them win? Of cause not. The lottery odds are so big that when you see your chance of winning the Jackpot, you tell yourself Hell no, Im not gonna win definitely!!!. The chance of winning Jackpot is often 1 to 15 millions.

Well, while other people continue play lottery and lose their money, a group of people with the common interest of blowing up the whole lottery system decided to do a research of lottery prediction software. These guys stated: if people are able to predict stock markets, futures markets and provide different kinds of information predictions, then we can use the same science laws to predict the winning lottery numbers and blow up the whole lottery system.

The research started with the analysis of existent lottery prediction software. LottoPprediction group examined 15 most popular programs. Predictions of each program were compared with the predictions made by using different mathematical and statistical algorithms.

The lottery prediction algorithms included:

The research showed that 90% of these lottery prediction programs were actually using the same algorithms. Then results (predictions) were compared with actual lottery draws. The comparison with real data showed that predictions were correct only for 15-20%. So the results of this research showed that lottery draws can be predicted. But those predictions should be made by a more deep and more comprehensive analysis of the past lottery draws.

After the analysis of algorithms that are used in lottery software, group decided to mix algorithms, make them more complicated providing higher level of lottery prediction accuracy. LottoPrediction group used statistical rules that are used in stock markets and futures markets. New predictions were compared to the actual results of lottery draws and it showed the improvement of predictions. New results had 50-90% of correctly predicted winning lottery numbers.

LottoPrediction group's research showed that lottery prediction is not a myth. Lottery can be predicted. Its all about finding patterns in past lottery draws and algorithms that searches these patterns. Visit website to check how lottery prediction goes.

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