Friday, November 22, 2013

When and Why Do You Need a Denver or Colorado DUI Attorney? - Law - Criminal Law

DUI charges can be tricky in Denver and Colorado, and only an experienced and skilled Colorado DUI attorney or Denver DUI attorney can help you in such cases. Most drivers in both areas are unaware of the fact that it takes only a very low amount of alcohol in their systems to be charged with a DUI, but the laws that are involved after the charges are complex. Here's how a typical DUI case starts out:

1. You went to a bar to meet up with some old friends and had a drink or two, or you went to a baseball game and had a beer - you're driving home unaware that it takes only .08 of alcohol in your system to get charged.

2. An officer stops you for speeding or a routine check, and sees some signs that show that you might've been drinking. You're asked to perform a roadside sobriety test; and a breathalyzer test or blood test if you fail the former one.

3. And just like that, you're charged with a DUI with huge chances of getting your license revoked, going to jail or worse - getting pressed with criminal charges.

4. You can be charged with possible penalties that can escalate up to a whole year in prison, a $1000 fine and 96 hours of useful public service. The amounts may and will go up even higher if you had a prior DUI or if your tests reveal alcohol levels more than .20.

Now with those astoundingly simple criteria and complex charges, it's very apparent that you can't just go about handling things on your own here. And I haven't even mentioned the letters from the DMV and all that that follows too! You need a Colorado DUI attorney or a Denver DUI attorney to help, guide and defend you all through the whole proceedings. Here's a rundown of how they will help you:

1. A Colorado DUI attorney or a Denver DUI attorney has been extensively trained to defend clients in DUI cases - they have studied such cases and are familiar with the laws that concern DUI's in their county and State.

2. The best law firms in both Colorado and Denver have experienced Colorado DUI attorney and Denver DUI attorney teams who know the system - they will be familiar with the DA's and the judges along with the laws - and they will step in and take care of DUI cases with much-needed aggression and competence.

3. They will scrutinize your case minutely to see if you've been wrongly charged, and look for ethical means to get you off the hook. Most often than not, police officers don't follow rules and regulations and such violations may get your case easily dismissed. An experienced Colorado DUI attorney or Denver attorney will look for such loopholes and shortcomings in the prosecutors' offense.

So basically by hiring an attorney you insure yourself and lower the chances of getting charged down to a possible zero. The best Colorado and Denver law firms offer free initial consultation for such cases too, so if you are ever charged with a DUI, you know where to find your best defense.

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