Monday, January 27, 2014

Where to Find 2g iPhone Parts Online: By Skill Level - Technology - Cell Phones

Where can you get 2g iphone parts for a reasonable price when your beloved iPhone breaks? That will largely depend on your skills when it comes to electronics repair. There are basically people on a scale of 1 to 5 when it comes to iPhone fixing, with 'fives' being the most adept and 'ones' being the least. If you're scouring the internet for parts, then based on your skill level this will be the right place to look for you.

Ones. If you are a one then you don't have any experience fixing iPhones, and don't have any desire to learn either! For you, it is better to look for a professional to refurbish your iPhone rather than looking for individual parts. Without confidence or ambition, you could end up messing your iPhone worse than ever! There are companies both online and in various locations around the country that have a wealth of new and used 2g iphone parts which can be used to fix your phone. Look up such companies online and then call for an initial quote!

Twos. If you fall into the category of a 'two' then you are fully capable and willing to repair the most basic of 2g iphone parts. This might include replacing the sim card tray which only involves insertion, or finding a new ejector tool for the sim card ejector device, like fastening one out of a paperclip. The key here is to keep it low tech and noninvasive. Anything more intense should be shipped off to the pros. As such look for individual, unused, parts from direct sellers on legit company websites.

Threes. Those in the 'three' category are ready to tackle some online tutorials and do some minor iPhone repairs. These are people with some experience fixing other electronics like less complex cell phones or watches, and with the right ambition and at least a few of the tools to get the job done. With most online iPhone fix-it tutorials there is a difficulty ranking, so you are ready for any repair described as 'low difficulty.' When looking for 2g iphone parts you can use the same direct sellers as the 'twos' or try and get a better price by looking on auction style websites, or even in the classifieds. Previous electronics experience will help you avoid someone who is just trying to scam you with faulty parts.

Fours. Anyone who considers themselves a 'four' is someone who has tackled a 'three' level iPhone repair in the past and succeeded. The person who is a four will be ready for some more challenging projects. Good projects for fours include things like replacing the sim card ejector device or the LCD, glass and digitizer. A four will already have some of the tools required, and will be able to use a wide range of sources to look for 2g iphone parts including scouring the ads for those selling their old and damaged iPhones for extremely cheap prices. A four will know which are salvageable for parts, and which aren't.

Fives. Anyone who is a five is probably not reading this article! However, if you are a three interested in becoming a five, a five generally has a stash of used iPhones that he or she salvages for parts. All the tools required are either on premises or readily available, such as a soldering iron. A five can look for parts anywhere from direct sellers to auction websites and classifieds. A five may even offer to directly buy used iPhones from confused ones, and give them cash back, knowing the parts will come in handy some day when fixing someone else's iPhone!

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