Friday, December 14, 2012

Blog Traffic Ideas 101 - Marketing

Traffic To Your Blog

Wow! Your blog is a rock star! You have the coolest template ever, you have the most talented writing skills to contribute articles to it, you have the right and quality products to promote- that is a good start. Now your next priority should is getting blog traffic. Here are some easy techniques to make your blogging career successful.

It's Free to Promote Your Blog to AOL and Yahoo

Join Aol Answers and Yahoo Answers and make it a daily habit to answer questions there. How it is useful as a promotional tool for your blog? Because with AOL answers and yahoo answers you are given an opportunity to display your link at the bottom of every answers you produce. This can be your chance to make your blog visible to search engine as well.

Don't Forget to Visit Other Blogs

Be friendly. Introduce your blog to other bloggers. Other bloggers like you will be your avid followers as well. And they can even talk about your blog too. All you need to do is to post daily comments to other blogs with relevant topic like yours. You can also ask a link exchange to other bloggers as you build good partnership with them.

Participate to Guest Blogging

If you have the opportunity to be a guest blogger to other blogs---grab it! This can be your chance to promote your blog to the right audience and drive blog traffic. Just make sure to find blogs that is relevant to your topic and make a post that will entice readers to visit your link. It will also help if you can guest blog to blogs with good google page rank. PR3 blogs will do.

Promote your Blog to Article Publishing Websites

You can also drive blog traffic by writing articles to different article publishing websites such as Squidoo, hubpages, triond, wikinut etc. This can help the search engine find your blog and if you are successful using article marketing, you can have the opportunity to rank your blog on the first page of google which is the dream of every blogger like you.

Build a Facebook Fanpage for Your Blog

Social media marketing is an effective blog traffic tool so better go ahead make a facebook fanpage for your blog. As you increase the number of your fans, you are also increasing the number of your blog readers, subscribers and followers. If your blog contains articles that are very interesting to share, your fans will make a way to like it and share it to their own facebook friends and if you are lucky, they can also share it to their twitter friends.

Download Traffic Travis Software

You can get help from Traffic Travis to increase your blog traffic. It is free software that can help you learn about SEO for your blog and can help you build quality links to it. It is a useful tool to make your blog visible to google and outrank your blog competitors as well. I am using Traffic Travis software for almost a year now and by using it I achieve a lot of success selling my products using my blog. You can try Traffic Travis for free but if you find it very useful, you can upgrade your account to learn more about SEO Techniques.

Only But the Most Effective Blog Traffic Ideas

Ultimately, these are the blog traffic tools that I am using and I find effective. If you are a blogger, you must know that writing articles is not enough to make your blog popular. You must also do ways to drive traffic to it. Blog commenting, forum participation, social media marketing and SEO techniques are all good ways to make you a successful blogger in a short period of time. Good luck.

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