Thursday, December 20, 2012

Making Money with Blogs-Why is it Difficult to Earn Even $ 100 a Day and How to Make it Easy? - Marketing - Web Marketing

Most people think that making money with blogging is as easy as it is touted to be in the ads on the internet. They, therefore, think that as soon as they write a few posts on a certain niche checks will start rolling into their bank account. Unfortunately, this does not happen.

The sad truth is that the search engines do not pick up their blog posts to display them in the search results. There is no traffic and there is no money.

Some brave hearts continue with their efforts, but are soon tired. They cannot find fresh ideas for their articles because the scope of the niche is sometimes so narrow that they cannot find fresh ideas.Again, the blog needs to be promoted.

You have to write articles for a host of article directories, post comments on the blogs written by others, ping and rss the blog posts to social media sites to create back links that are likely to generate traffic and close sales.

All this work is so monotonous and laborious that it tends to kill the very desire to make money with the blog. No wonder most people give up.

Are you one of these people? You do not have to be disappointed.

There is a way out and a smart one too.

There are blog software in the market that automate almost the entire process of creating blogs. You can make money with your blog on autopilot.

But you have to be very careful in choosing the right blogging software product. Do not be taken in by the ads that promise to make you 10 thousand dollars from your blog in, say, one week.

If you search the internet for the best blog software providers, you may come across the name of Jason Potash. He is one of the top ranking search engine experts in the industry and a person of impeccable integrity.He has developed an auto-blogging program called Blog Blueprint. It consists of a suite of auto-blogging software backed by instructional material.

How is Blog Blueprint different from the run-of-the-mill auto-blogging software?

Blog Blueprint does not make hyped-up promises. You can expect only a few hundred dollars in the first one or two months of blogging and gradually increase your blog money.

Of course, your blog won't make money while you sleep. You will have to put in some work, but it will not be that painful. For example, the most challenging part of blogging is coming up with fresh, unique, informative and useful content on almost a daily basis.

Blog Blueprint resolves this problem by providing laser targeted content which is created by a huge number of dedicated authors who write articles for it. This makes Blog Blueprint unique as most available blogging software steal the content from the article directories irrespective of the quality of the articles and try to deceive the search engines by spamming.

The Blog Blueprint software selects the articles relevant to your keyword/topic from the human reviewed article database and posts them on your blog.

Then there are other software in the program that select the laser targeted high value keywords, submit the articles to reputed article directories, ping and rss them to generate traffic from back links to your blog. They take away all the pain of hard work that is needed to make money from your blog.

Above all, the whole package comes with a no- questions- asked 60-day money back guarantee if you do not make money with your blog during this period. There could not be a better deal. Click Here for more details and download a FREE e-book Auto-blogging Blunders .

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