The Finnish e-commerce market is growing like mad. For every day that passes more and more Finns are shopping over the Internet. A consumer in Finland who has ever bought products over the Internet has in two years increased from 63 percent to 72 percent. The percentage of consumers that every month buys products over the Internet has during the same period increased from 4 to 10 percent. However, there are big differences between the Finnish market and the rest of Scandinavia.
Finnish consumers accept longer delivery times. In comparison with Sweden and Denmark will Finnish consumers accept significantly longer delivery times?
But the biggest difference is however in the preferred form of payment. Direct payment by bank is the most popular among Finnish consumers. The Swedish Post's survey "E-commerce in the Nordic Region 2011" shows that Finland is the only Nordic country where direct payment through bank is very popular among consumers. The entire 39 percent of those surveyed Finnish consumers prefer direct payment through the bank when they shop online, which is really high in comparison with consumers in other Nordic countries.
It is no surprise that even the Finnish consumers mainly shop for clothes and consumer electronics online. 22 percent of respondents indicate that during the past year also bought books online, only the Swedish consumers buy more books online.
A new player on the Finnish market that has achieved great success is 24MX. They sell through parts and equipment for motocross motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike. By the spring of 2005 24MX began to sell spare parts and accessories for pitbikes. Six years and more than 100 000 satisfied customers later, they have the largest selection of equipment, accessories and spare parts for motocross, motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike in Europe.
Part of the success lies in the fact that 24MX has a clear offer to their customers. Customers have the largest selection of equipment, accessories and spare parts for motocross, motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike offered at the guaranteed lowest price with several convenient payment options.
Fast delivery is becoming more and more important to win the battle for customers. 24MX has developed an advanced logistics systems to provide customers really fast delivery! First of all, they show the current inventory of each product. They sell only the products in stock, so customers can be assured of getting equipment, accessories and spare parts for motocross, motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike delivered quickly and safely.
Sales of equipment, accessories and spare parts for motocross, motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike is done around the clock, seven days a week via the web shop. Since customer service is important above all to create repeat customers 24MX have staffed customer service with employees who speak Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, English and Dutch, all to help customers get the best possible service.
One of e-commerce major challenges is to make customers feel as secure when online shopping as when shopping from a brick and mortar store. One way to achieve a sense of security is to use various third-party certifications. The certification is used to protect the consumer and the only stable and reputable e-stores can become certified. In Finland is certified by VarmaKauppa, it means that customers can feel safe and secure when shopping spare parts for motocross, motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike with 24MX.
Just as in any other industry, you need to have an offering that goes beyond just low prices if you want to succeed in selling parts for motocross, motorcycle, snowmobile and pitbike online. In order to convert more visitors to customers you would have to work with local payment methods, local language and a customer service speaks customer's language.
Facts for this article were taken from the Swedish Post survey.
The survey was based on telephone interviews with 2000 individuals in Sweden and 1000 in Denmark, Norway and Finland in the nationally representative sample. The interviews were conducted between November -17 to December- 4, 2010 by TNS SIFO.
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