Social bookmarking software allows you to place a bookmark on many bookmarking sites in the same time it would require to create a single bookmark manually. It helps you do so a great deal more than you could possibly do manually caused by time constraints.There's two primary strategies that social bookmarking can help you promote your website content and that is 1) by giving you backlinks and 2) by providing you with traffic. Although you are able to do this manually without the assistance of any software, the time needed is rather high as well as the work can be rather tedious.
If you use a fully automated software that handles the submission process for you on auto-pilot then this gets to be a extremely effective means of promotion for a very small investment! Every bookmark you put in a social bookmarking site it gives you one backlink to your website. you are bookmarking. Therefore the more sites you can bookmark , the more backlinks you get for each piece of content. This is the primary reason why social bookmarking software it so useful, because it simply multiplies your efforts for the same amount of time invested.However there is one thing to look out for - some software tools will submit those bookmarks all at once,this is not a good idea. Search engines such as Google give more credit to backlinks once they come in consistently over time rather than when there is a sudden rush of them. In the latter case some of the links will be ignored. Choose a tool such as IMAutomator or SocialMonkee which will spread those links out for you over a n umber of days.The second way in which social bookmarking can help is by website promotion . The reason why these bookmarks are 'social' is because they are shared by the community of the bookmarking site. The way in which many of these sites work is that they can allow members to publish links that could be of interest for some other members although the members likewise have the ability to vote for a particular bookmarks they like.
Popular bookmarks usually get special attention for example appearing on the home-page of the site.This provides numerous benefits for you. To start with, the home page of the site routinely have a greater page ranking than other pages which means that the backlinks are stronger while it stays there. The biggest advantage however is visibility - members see the home page and therefore the most popular bookmarks before any others and so it follows those bookmarks that get far more traffic than the rest.Some social bookmarking sites have become quite popular,they get literally millions of visitors every day. Digg, for example, is one such site.
Helping your bookmark into the front page of Digg is most definitely something to aim for as it will drive thousands of visitors to your site! Not only that... but there are now aggregator websites such as PopUrls which scrawls all the big social bookmarking sites due to their popular links. this means that you're now getting extra backlinks and additional traffic!.For maximum effectiveness get into the habit of bookmarking your entire content on a regular basis. There's no need to do this manually as you can use a free social bookmarking software tool to do the difficult work for you, Just spend a couple of minutes every day to receive a consistent stream of traffic and backlinks to your website or blog.
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