Sunday, July 7, 2013

Storm Water Maintenance Software Facilitates Disaster Prevention in Communities - Computers - Software

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina caught the nation by surprise, causing severe damage to properties and the loss of at least 1,800 lives. The ensuing investigations revealed the lack of appropriate mechanisms, which could have prevented much destruction. A storm maintenance software system, for instance, could have been a valuable tool for disaster prevention.

Truly, there is no better time for the installation of such disaster management solutions. With the climate change signaling the advent of more frequent extreme weather events it makes perfect sense to systematize water collection in the municipalities, with the goal of reducing flooding associated with storm water runoff.

The said maintenance software can have immense contributions to any town's disaster management bureau. For one, it facilitates efficient management of the flood control structures, and ensures the timely inventory, inspection and repairs to ensure smooth operation during calamities. The software can also be an effective tool for work order scheduling, and can be used in creating integrated reports on the conditions of assets, labor assignment, labor productivity, and costs.

For a software solution to be user-friendly, it must feature a customizable dashboard and straightforward layout. It will be extremely helpful, for instance, if reports can show the incidence of clogging in the pipes or presence of leaks, the location of the problem, the flood control structure affected, the work needed and the costs involved, in a single page. This way, officials can immediately implement the appropriate action.

As the lesson of Katrina shows, disaster preparedness is important for survival amid the harshest natural calamities. Storm water maintenance software is one tool to promote such preparedness.

Resource BoxMaintStar is proud to offer technologies used by many municipalities and Fortune 500 companies to systematize complicated operations. For instance, the company has developed storm water maintenance software that can simplify the task of water collection to reduce flooding associated with storm water runoff. Visit or call 800 255-5675 to learn more.

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