Sunday, June 22, 2014

how to treat tennis elbow - Health

Weakness of the tissues and ligaments (associated with weak immune system) also leads to a delay in recovery. In such cases, Japanese acupuncture can be very useful for recovery of tennis Albo.What should be done to relieve tennis elbow?

Avoiding those actions adopting the elbow (sometimes complete rest!)Stretching and warming of the muscles of the elbow before performing an activity that involves the elbow. Warm the place or slide your hand rubbing motion speed.

Strengthening the muscles of the arm, elbow and wrist can prevent further feasibility phenomenon - but it should be done only after the situation turned

Western treatment of tennis elbow problem - tennis Albo

Western treatment including steroid injection elbow, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy

Tennis elbow treatment alternative

Treatment offers a unique alternative to the problem of tennis elbow combined with great success rates:

Shock waves - shock waves to treat conditions of the elbow inflammation and adhesions have evolved over time. Adhesions of the tendon sheath can joint Lhfof the situation chronic and difficult to treat.

Tennis elbow is a persistent problem and sometimes the only way to avoid surgery is using shock waves combined therapy and Japanese Acupuncture.

Acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture and other methods of Chinese medicine are considered particularly useful to the problem of tennis elbow. Acupuncture increases blood flow and cost points using an anti-inflammatory capacity. Sometimes, the problem of tennis elbow root weakness of the immune system. Tendons, connective tissue and the body are heavily influenced by bands from the immune system. Japanese acupuncture uses points that reinforce the tissue and hasten recovery of elbow inflammation.

Meso and Osteopathy

Tuina or osteopathy are methods Manuel (therapeutic touch), which help increase the blood flow status and mother's arm, helping to reduce adhesions of elbow tendons and reduce pain from tennis elbow.

Tennis elbow "is it wrong because in most cases is not caused by playing tennis. The problem is not what you do with your elbow. Although the pain is the elbow, the problem is what you do with your wrist and fingers. Its medical name is "lateral epicondylitis" is more correct but still misleading. Patient education is important perhaps than any other state in hand as you are able to address the problem by changing habits of use of the hand. In this way 70-80% of people can avoid surgery.

What's this?

Tennis elbow is a condition of inflammation (that is why the name ends with "-itis" means inflammation) tendons. Light output due to ruptured tendons Hmiisrim of wrist and fingers which is located on the outside of the elbow (called the lateral epicondyle). This is explained in the painting that shows the right elbow at the side muscles (in red):

Tendons Hmiisrim lift the wrist and fingers. These muscles contract when you clench a fist hard (try to clench a fist in two situations: when the wrist flexes, and then when the wrist alignment - what state a stronger fourth finger?). Muscle which is damaged in most cases is a muscle called the extensor carpi radialis Latin brevis (ECRB short) or in Hebrew, "the short muscle straightening the wrist". This means the painting above the muscle. Strong contraction of the muscles Hmiisrim can cause pain where the muscles come out of the bone or along the muscles themselves. The pain is usually aggravated by a strong foothold and lifting with the hand palm down (position of the medical language called pronation). Pain is usually more noticeable during or after stressful use of the hand. There may be swelling, but this is usually minimal. In severe cases, lifting and grasping even light things may be painful. The name "tennis elbow" from the fact that racket players (beginners us ually) use the wrong technique during the game and develop the syndrome. These players believe backhand (backhand) should be performed by wrist extension. Experts know that shoulder muscles are much stronger wrist muscles, so use the muscles for a backhand. Pain on the inside of the elbow (called golfer's elbow or medial epicondylitis) is a similar condition that affects muscle output occurs on the inside of the elbow. The problem is common in the 30s or early forties

What causes tennis elbow?

Although the condition can occur for no obvious reason, the most common situation occurs after strenuous activities of her mother and hand operation is not used to them. This could be, for example, using a screwdriver to turn a wrench or scrubbing a floor vigorously. The phenomenon can also occur in people who are increasing their level of activity that requires wrist and / or firm grip, work or recreation. Area of the common origin of the muscles from the bone built connective tissue that rubs really hard. She does not stretch and can not accommodate swelling. If tissue is irritated by sudden or activity - excessive stress between bone up and cut off the blood supply to the muscle fibers. Tendons rubbing on bone and muscle fibers are compressed between these two rigid structures such as nutcracker. This causes extreme pain. When muscle fibers were torn, as long as his / her hand continue to run without giving enough rest tissue, they can not recover or recovery time can l ast a very long time (many months). This slow healing may decreased circulation in the affected but also because the tendon fibers / muscle continued to stretch and tear of the elbow. Unless you change how you are using your wrist and hand you continue to injure the tendons above and you just let them heal. Tennis elbow is usually a chronic problem. Patients do not know why their elbow hurts and continue their activities and thereby keep the damage to the elbow. This creates a vicious circle of torn tendon fibers, partial healing by scarring, continue to tear and damage, before there was a chance to fully recover tissue and scarring again irregular and painful, and so on. One of the researchers in this area called it "an unsatisfactory scarring":

how to treat tennis elbowclick here to discover!

How can you help?

First, learn how and why you harm yourself (that's why this site was written) and stop doing so. As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, and most cases heal on their own.

You need to completely stop any activities that cause pain, such as lifting objects with the palm facing down, strong boxing ring finger, or repetitive actions on themselves involved in root straightening hand against resistance. Any other treatment would be effective if you keep hurting yourself. Anti-inflammatory pills, splints, physical therapy, needles, massage, etc., will not work until you break the vicious circle of rupture - incomplete healing - ripped - and did not allow the tissue to heal and to bear the burden required of her.

During the acute phase when the place is very sensitive and swollen manual ice for 5-15 minutes was as effective as any acute. After the acute phase is over and the recovery process was given a chance to take a good scarring you can start and run your hand gently and gradually. Very important not to overuse your arm while the healing. If it still hurts, even slightly, you are overdoing it! The only way to break the cycle is to rest your arm until enough. Sometimes protective belt area just below the elbow reduces the strain on ligaments and tendons can help in recovering. Use the bottom hand rest splint is used for the same purpose. Using anti-inflammatory pills for a period of several weeks relieves pain and discomfort in the elbow. Difficult cases and chronic cortisone can be injected area, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory substance. With improving the situation, recommended exercises to strengthen muscles while paying attention if the pain back there to stop them immediately. Do not perform exercises while the area is swollen, sensitive and painful. Tennis elbow is a situation that repeats itself and takes months to heal. Recently introduced for the treatment shock waves ((ECSWT. This treatment is similar to that found for years in treating crushing kidney stones. The treatment is noninvasive and is based on the principle of transferring the energy of waves to the damaged tissues. This energy causes increased blood supply to and accelerating the healing process. Many patients mine, who were candidates for surgery, were treated in this way with a full recovery.

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