Sunday, January 29, 2012

Powerful Tools for a Perfect Groom Speech - Self Help

In this article, I reveal you three powerful tools that can - and should - be used in order to have one of the best speeches. These tools are well-known in the psychology of personal development and I will show you how they can be used for having a perfect groom wedding speech.

These tools are actually easy-to-use methods, which you can apply immediately to ensure your success in delivering the speech. These three methods are used by all the successful public speakers and you can use them as well.

The great thing about these techniques is that they can be applied in all the five phases of the activity that you must develop if you want to have a perfect groom speech - at thinking, planning, creating, practicing and delivering the speech.

So, the first thing you must do in order to have a perfect groom wedding speech is to ...


Visualization is the first and the easiest technique which you can use for having one of the best groom speeches. For this method you must use your imagination. So, here's exactly what you must do in order to gain the maximum benefit from this powerful tool:

In the remaining days until the wedding, you must visualize yourself as delivering a perfect groom speech. Imagine in detail every part of your speech: imagine that the wedding reception has begun and that your previous speaker has finished his speech; now, he presents you to the audience. According to the Law of Attraction, if you practice visualization as often as possible, you will finally attract the success in your groom wedding speech. Besides visualizing, in order to make sure you will have a successful speech, there is another thing you must do:


The great power of questions consists both in the fact that they change our focus, as well as that they offer us the best (and cheapest) solutions. In order to deliver a perfect wedding speech, this amazing tool - the questions - must be used in two ways:

First, you should use the questions as a "filter" for your words, jokes, attitude, (re)actions, gestures, etc. In order to do that, ask yourself: "Does this word/joke/gesture/reaction etc. bring me closer to the image of myself that I want to create?"; "Is this word/attitude/gesture etc. congruent with my ideal image?" If the answer is "no", don't do it!

Secondly, the right questions will help you determine the way you must behave during the groom speech. So, if you want to become instantly a professional public speaker, all you have to do is to: . ASK yourself these questions: "How would an experienced and successful public speaker behave while giving a speech?"; "What would be the tone of his voice?"; "What would be his gestures?"; "What words would he use?" etc.,. GIVE the correct answers to these questions - for this, you can use tutorials and specialty books, or just observe the successful public speakers and identify the characteristics of their speeches and behavior - and then, . DO the same!

The third step of using the amazing power of questions actually involves the utilization of an another powerful tool for ensuring the success of your wedding speech, which is ...

3. "ACT AS IF" "Acting as if" is an extremely powerful and efficient tool that helps you not only to look and behave like a professional public speaker, but also helps you to increase your self-confidence and get rid of the emotions inherent in any speech.

For using this tool, all you have to do is to permanently act as if you were already the person you want to become. This is it. Just as simple as that!

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