Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Electric Wheelchairs

Electric Wheelchair Parts

Electric wheelchair safety is an important concern for hundreds of thousands people in America that rely on electric wheelchairs for mobility, according to the electric wheelchair statistics. Individuals who choose (power) electric wheelchairs should take special precautions to avoid personal injury or harm to others. It is important to stay on the bike paths and sidewalks when allowed. Although your electric wheelchair may be mobile, it can cause serious injury when improperly used. Electric wheelchair parts do not come cheap.

When referring to electric wheelchair power supply, follow the manufacturer's instructions when charging the battery for your electric electric wheelchair. Remember do not allow your electric electric wheelchair battery to run down completely. This may cause your electric wheelchair some future problems, you can't exactly jump start a wheelchair!

Some safety tips to remember for electric wheelchairs are checking for important features such as mechanical brakes, emergency shut-off features, easily accessible breaking controls and proper front-wheel configurations. These can prevent you from making some big mistakes and unnecessary risks. So take the time to read your electric wheelchair safety manual.

Maintencne is required for electric wheelchairs and motorized scooters. Inspect yourelectric wheelchairs daily for minor damage and weekly for major damage. Electric wheelchairs should be inspected by a professional at least once every three months, according to NIRE. Make this a habit and you will save yourself from disaster.

Electric wheelchair users should avoid tall grass, gravel, sand and other uneven surfaces. Such surfaces can get your electric wheelchair stuck or even cause damage to the motor. Electric wheelchairs should never be operated in wet grass, rain, snow or traffic. This can cause electrical problems inside the wheelchair that you cannot access. When operating an electric wheelchair be wary of bumps, holes, and cracks in the floor, road or sidewalk. Always use care when approaching an incline or decline ramp or other imbalanced surfaces.

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