You can boost your money making capacity online and create any cash generating features you want on your blog. Amongst all the money making opportunities on the internet, blogging still remains a hot cake.
The good thing about it is that it is easy for beginners to take advantage of and make some cash for themselves without spending much. Since blogging is a more practicable opportunity, you stand a chance of maximizing profit online.
Customization of blog is when you personalize or brand your blog to suit your personal choice or interest, to make it look different from every other blog. You know, we have paid blog and the free blog, but here we are talking about the wordpress paid blog which is very cheap - the highest you can invest in paid blog is less than $10. The good thing about it is that you can design and provide content on your own and actually make your blog more unique.
Features for designing a customized blog. Using the plugin. Now, when you are using a wordpress blog, you have so many features one of which is the plugin feature. It can be used in many ways to enhance the money making potential of your blog site. Once you have installed some plugin into your blog, it can serve several purposes;
1. The plugin will help you turn all your materials on your blog to PDF, so that if anybody likes the article on your blog, he or she can just put in their email and instantly get that article on your blog inside their email either for cash or free depending on the value of the content or better lead them to a purchase on your site.2. With the plugin features you can actually customize your header, which means you can put it the way you want, that is you can brand it with your pictures. You can brand it with your events or create beautiful designed graphics.
Just as stated above, customization is one of the ways by which you advertise new product, your events and seminars, and at the same time have your followers learning from your and what you do. For example, if you are an entrepreneur, you can customize it with entrepreneur platforms. The essence of that is that people get to know you by the way you have customized your blog which is going to be peculiar to you. Your followers who read your blog will learn from the lot you have share in it.
You could also have what is called slide effect on your blog. How does this work? If you have more than one site, instead of trying to advertise all your sites using several mediums, you could bring all your traffic to a particular blog. All you need is to put slide effect on your blog.
By all this you are customizing your blog - you are making your blog look unique all the time by changing the theme, header etc, every two weeks. That is one of the ways to get dedicated followers that will always buy from you and are ready to learn from you on a daily bases.
Once you are able to install a wordpress blog, you could easily customize it with a software called niche content. With this software installed on your blog, you have expert's articles coming into your blog by the software. All you need to do is type in a particular keyword of what you want. For instance, you want to write on blogging, you just type in blogging into the keyword space provided.
The beauty of this is that you get more traffic coming from that expert because people are already following him and they love his articles on your blog. You automatically get more traffic because you have integrated what is called caffeinated content management software on your blog. With this, it is easier for you not to even touch your blog and your blog is updated on a daily basis. The beauty is that the software works on its own and you can easily put your own regular posts by doing it manually.
How To Operate A Plugin On Your Blog
When you get to your wordpress, you will see the plugin feature. Just click on it and you will find so many software that you can integrate with your blog, because when you are trying to integrate a software that drops articles, you integrate it with through the plugin. Any other software you want to put, like links, calendar, timer and articles, you always go through the plugin, and it helps you to have so many features added to your blog. You must have downloaded the plugin into your system, so from your blog, you browse to locate where you have installed that plugin. Just click attach, it will ask you if you want to activate or deactivate. As you click activate, instantly you have the plugin working. For every plugin you have, they are responsible for specific thing on your blog, like plugin that turns any write up to PDF. You have plugin that makes the article on your blog update on a daily basis with the help of software. All you need to is to attach the software thr ough the plugin. The work of the plugin is to help you bring additional features you want into your blog.
Where Can One Get All The Free Software? Majorly, you get most of these software for free. Just go to This is one of the website where you get most free software. If you know the name of the software just go ahead and type it on the search keyword space that is provided, and you could get most of them free of charge; some you will for, like the "caffeinated content management software". But you can get it free from other websites like Google, all you need do is just make sure you have the correct name and spelling of the software. And always add the word free to your search enquiry.
If you have a domain name and a webhosting space and a feature called fantastic on your site you can set up a blog within minutes. You can then have a customize blog like this,
To make your blog attractive, always change the themes may be twice a month. You can have different headers and different themes.
You can sell your customized blog and make money from it. You can sell it off, say after using it for six months or one year. You need to rate its value for cash at Just put in the name of your blog, it will give you the worth of your blog
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