Thursday, June 27, 2013

Top 5 Headache Triggers - Health - Wellness

Hmm Headaches. Some of you are famous for giving me a few!

But for those of you who suffer from headaches often, today I will provide some pain relief for you, and you WONT have to spend money or ingest pills.

Speaking of buying Did you know that North Americans spend $4 billion/year on off-the-shelf pain relievers? And a quarter of that amount goes towards head-ache relief pills. Isnt that shocking? No wonder so many people have chemical imbalances and serious health problems. First thing you need do is STOP taking so many drugs. Prevention should be your top priority (which is what well discuss here).

If that doesnt work, seek natural remedies not band-aid solutions. A naturopathic doctor is a great start. Drugs have their place, in a time of emergency, but regularly you can seek a more healthier solution to your problem.

Ok on with the Top 5 list.

1. Stress: This one should be obvious. Is there anything that stress DOESNT cause? Its a repeat offender in many health related cases and headaches are NO exception! If you suffer from stress, then do something about it! Oh and believe me, the ONLY person who can cure stress from your life is YOU. Drugs do not cure stress, they merely change your chemistry and nothing else.

First, find your SOURCE of stress Then create an action plan to nip that problem at the bud. Dont dilly-dally around! Stress causes your nerves to get all frayed Which causes tension. This tension leads to headaches and can also trigger migraines.

Ha, well thats gota suck! You see there is a reason I dont get many headaches. Here are FJs cure for stress-related headaches.

Workout. Thats right, get that ass up and moving! I notice that when I workout I am clam, relaxed and free. All that heavy breathing causes oxygen to rush to my brain and I feel at ease. Its a proven fact that working out is a great stress reliever.

Meditate. Yup FJ meditates. I can even float while doing so. You might not reach the same level of deep mental connection but still Take 5 minutes and take deep breaths while thinking about NOTHING. Can you do that? (Hint: its MUCH harder than it sounds. Try it Try thinking about NOTHING. Empty your mind)

Do something you like. Take some time off; Watch a movie, play a game, spend some time with those that somehow like being around you. I like to read books, grab a beer with the boys, do some gymnastics, play a video game or two, write Etc.

2. Your Eating Habits: This one is simple to understand yet is probably the hardest one to fix since most people do NOT have healthy eating habits. Think about it for a second If you eat junk, you will FEEL like junk. It doesnt take doctors, scientists or studies to prove this fact Although they have, just in case you werent convinced for some odd reason.

Some foods or ingredients that cause headaches: processed meats, caffeine, red wine, chocolate, citrus fruits, processed cheese, snow peas and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

3. Eye Strain: Lets accept it, we live in the 21st century. Computers arent for science geeks and loners anymore. They are an essential tool in our daily part of life and if you cannot use one Then I dont know how you are reading this.

So whats my point? My point is dont stop using computers all together but TAKE BREAKS. Were not MEANT to look at a bright screen for hours. In fact, the easiest way to do this is have a timer, every 90 minutes it should go off where you get up and take a 15-20 minute break.

Eye strain is not only from computers though, if you have bad vision and dont have corrective lenses or glasses This will cause major headaches. Personally I need contacts to see things in the distance, and if I go for too long without them my head starts to feel wonky because Im trying just too damn hard to make out whats happening.

Make sure your vision is corrected properly.

4. Sleep: This one will surprise you. Getting too LITTLE sleep or too MUCH sleep can cause headaches. So basically Dont be a moron and run on 3 hours of sleep and dont be a chump and stay in bed for 14 hours. Stick to your body clock and make sure you get 8-10 hours per night And STICK TO IT. Even on holidays.

5. Sitting: Yeah Who woulda guessed? Sitting for too long or being lazy can cause headaches! This is specially true when you are seated for too long in an awkward position (such as an uncomfortable chair). This can cause your muscles to tense up and give you tension headaches.

Fixing this is easy Get up every now and then and stretch, move around, do a light workout, etc.

If you are at an office, go over to that cute girl at the front desk and strike up a conversation and teach her a small dance move. Go on Dont be a wimp. She wont mind.

The point is, do something to get that body moving. Go it? Good.

So there you have it I just saved the dim-witted folks that buy pain-relievers like candy about $1 billion dollars annually. Ill gladly accept that as a donation within the next 48 hours. In return Ill fly you down for a personal coaching session. I think thats pretty fair.

Also, realize that those tips are ACTIVE steps you would need to take if you suffer from headaches, but what if you took PROPER preventative measures so that you did not have to deal with those problems in the first place?

That is why you need to check out my book. Apply yourself to it for 30 days straight and you will end up with a lifestyle that is ALREADY active and naturally healthy and therefore your headache problems will disappear.

Do you think I have to actively get up and stretch? NO I stretch everyday.

Do you think I have to actively go and meditate when I feel a headache is coming on? NO I meditate every morning

Do I have to actively TRY and do the things I love to relieve stress? Hell no.. I live a healthy and stress free life.

Do you think I have to actively think about eating healthy? Not at all Its on auto-pilot baby!

DO YOU SEE MY POINT HERE? Living a health lifestyle will mitigate your problem at the ROOT. FJ doesnt have headache problems because of his lifestyle.

THIS is exactly what you will learn. Now get out there and start applying my teachings.


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