Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What are the Risks my Business Runs by not Having Network Monitoring Software? - Computers - Software

Computers and internal networks are now the fulcrum for many businesses. Whilst this helps to improve efficiency and communications, it can also lead to major problems - particularly when it comes to security.

Network monitoring software provides effective security and acts as an all seeing eye, overlooking the activity and any breaches that may occur. This can prove invaluable, particularly if a user accidently stumbles across some malware or is found downloading anything that could pose a danger to the system. With the networks often playing a pivotal role in the day to day running of a business, being without any form of monitoring can be a risky strategy indeed.

Monitoring software isn't designed to be intrusive. Whilst you will often be able to see what websites people are accessing, this is only part of the role that it performs. However, this can be extremely important.

After all, if you're viewing regular contraventions of company policy, you will be able to take action. For instance, many businesses now have strict policies when it comes to accessing social networking sites as well as personal email, adult material and gambling platforms. If someone spends all day shopping from their work station, then it is probably in your best interests to discuss this with them rather than allowing it to continue.

As mentioned though, this isn't just snooping for the sake of snooping. Whilst breaking the rules is a big issue, so too is ensuring the security of the network and monitoring how it is running. For instance, if you're suffering problems with your broadband provider, this will be instantly highlighted with downtime results. If this proves to be a regular issue, then you can look to source a new supplier or at least see what your current Internet company can do to improve your supply.

Malicious viruses and even employees downloading, uploading and removing documents can play havoc with your network. If you didn't have any effective monitoring software available, you would never know that any such activity was going on. As such you could leave yourself open to attacks and major breaches of policy.

Your network contains a lot of extremely valuable information. Whilst there may be protection in place to cover the most important documents (such as password protection or hidden sections), this doesn't completely eliminate the danger of internal or external access and disruption. With data now an extremely valuable commodity, you can't be flippant about how it's stored or protected. Monitoring software will flag up any potential infractions and ensure you don't find yourself in hot water.

With a large network of users there is always a risk that a bit of malware can sneak in through a browser or a virus could be downloaded through an email. Most businesses will have a dedicated firewall as well as anti-virus protection, but occasionally even these can be breached. Often you won't even be aware until something cataclysmic happens, such as a complete hardware failure or damage to documents on the network.

Network monitoring software provides an additional safety net to help you to avoid any such issue. Again, if there is an issue within the system, it will be able to spot it and provide you with a report. This can prove invaluable.

Reports aren't just limited to real-time updates. You can archive information and look out for any concerning trends over longer periods, compiling a comprehensive account of activity. This can be used as evidence when making important decisions on new servers or Internet providers, which can prove invaluable.

So if you value your network and its continued efficiency, you should really invest in some premium monitoring software. It won't cost you the earth, but it could save you a great deal in the long run.

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