Trading computers require durability, speed, and efficiency at levels not attainable on standard office or home equipment. The solution to finding a day trader computer system lies not in buying the best machine, but the best parts. Finding the highest quality motherboards, processors, and most RAM can help create a computer for traders that literally possesses the highest grade of capabilities available.
RAM is one component of a stock trading system that typically either works, or doesn't. RAM chips can burn out in a heartbeat and so finding a high quality manufacturer with a reputable brand name is always recommended in a Day Trading Computer Systems.
Aside from dependable models, you're going to want to get the fastest RAM available for a day trader computer system. In modern motherboard architecture, there is a design called Triple Channel RAM that is essential to use in any computer for traders. A day trader computer system can harness this technology to create the fastest capacity around. Basically, Triple Channel RAM is designed to theoretically triple the peak bandwidth over channel systems (which is super simplified tech talk for "it's really, really fast").
A Computer For Traders needs capacity in addition to speed, and knowing how much RAM you need can make a large difference in your machine's performance. The bare-bones minimum capacity you'll need is 3GB. This is the standard space requisite for Windows 7 64-bit, plus a few basic applications, and to be quite frank, it's not nearly enough for a stock trading computer. This space will be quite limited, as will be trading computers' capabilities when running on such restricted RAM. Utilizing 6GB to 12GB of RAM is a more suitable allotment for a stock trading computer, with 6GB being the obvious low end, and 12GB being a virtual endless space to run all the applications you'll need.
Trading computers and day trader computer systems need to execute at ridiculous speeds while holding lots and lots of information in order to be efficient. The not-so secretive way to encompass both of these features is by ensuring you choose a quality RAM chip from a reputable brand for any and all stock trading computers. Using a generic brand, or worse, one that doesn't provide a brand name at all can both spell trouble. GSkill, Crucial, and Mushkin are all excellent manufacturers, and you can find the complete list and more online at Trading Computers Now. The bottom line when it comes to a day trader computer system: quality parts make a quality machine and a quality work day.
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