Computer is a sum of two parts. One is hardware and the other is software. CPU is the hardware part. It is a sum of different type's part such as hard disk, ram, motherboard, power supply, optical drives etc. There are some extra parts like keyboard, monitor, mouse etc. Software part is the operating system of computer. Computer has different operating system like Mack, Windows, and Linux etc. Both of these parts play a prominent role in enabling the computer to do works faster and swifter. The whole thing is not work all time. Some time it needs proper computer repair and support.
Problems are common. This world is full of problems. Electronic tools, devices face different technical, internal, external problems. Computer repair these problems create a blockage to their work. Computer is a electronic device. It faces different problems. Problems of computer can be divided into two divisions. One is hardware related and the other is software related. Both of the problems are severe. Both of them affect the computer so badly. Hardware related problems consist of the problems of different parts of the computer. Hard disk may also be able to get damage by the virus.
This crushes the important data from the hard disk and often damage of it. Ram, motherboard also faces this problem. Optical drives face electric circuit problems. They don't get sufficient electricity due to this problem and become unable to work. Monitor, power supply, mouse, keyboard also face electric problems. Software related problem is basically the problem of operating interface, virus attack etc. Operating system gets hampered due to the want of proper installation of the operating system. Virus attack is too much dangerous. It can ruin the whole computer interface. Virus is a freewill program which is so much strong to affect the computers interface easily. It can be spread from computer to computer through unsecured data sharing, unsecured synchronization and unsecured internet browsing. These problems affect computer and hampers it badly.
Electronically damage is common to all electronic devices. Damaged devices need proper repair. Repair is a process by which a damaged device's condition is improved to normal. Damaged computer also needs proper repair. Computer repair is done by solving the problems or replacing the affected and damaged parts. This repair is done by a skillful technician who knows the problem and solve of it. Nowadays as the IT world is improving, many companies are establishing in local, national and international phases that provide
Computer support and repair service is necessary in daily life. Many problems are found in daily or gradually as a whole. The technicians are introduced with the computer problems no for one day. So we have to consult with the expert one to handle the problem wisely. Otherwise there is a chance of damage of the software and other hardware of the computer.
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