Saturday, October 19, 2013

How To Learn The Guitar - Play Learn Guitar - Hobbies

Have A Guitar To Learn And Master?

I first got my acoustic guitar about 4 years ago as a gift from my dad. He had been playing pretty much all of his life and through watching him I really wanted to learn. Learning guitar songs was very difficult for me. My fingers just seemed too fat and were always hitting more than one fret. I soon gave up my acoustic guitar believing I would never learn to play. It was extremely frustrating. Maybe I just didn't have the passion that I thought I would.

About 3 months ago I finally decided to try to pick it up again so I did a search to learn to play guitar online. I came across a site with learn guitar software that specializes in online acoustic lessons called Jamorama. Now I have finally started to see improvement and I recently played for my dad and he was very impressed. I still have a lot to learn, but I definitely have hope now that continuing with this software I will be a force to be reckoned with.

How To Learn The Guitar - Learn To Play Guitar With Online Acoustic Lessons

Just want to explain why this Jamorama software makes learning guitar so easy. First of all it is designed by a professional guitarist who is also a teacher who has taught over 43,000 students to play guitar. The software is packed full of easy to follow step-by-step lessons, sound files, and even GAMES! The reason I stress games is because that is my favorite part of the software. Games are a great way of learning and they have kept me from getting bored and keep me on track to learning my acoustic guitar.

Take A Look At All Of This!

*153 Step-By-Step Video Lessons - These are really easy to follow and is a really effective way to practice.

*GuitEarIt Game - This game really trains your ear so that you will be able to recognize pretty much any guitar chord.

*JaydeMusica Game - This game makes it a lot easier to read music than anything you will probably ever find, but that's just my opinion.

*Detailed Instructions On How To Master Impressive Skills - Such as picking strumming styles, percussive strum, deadening, staccato strum tricked out scales, hammer-ons, pull offs, transposing keys, percussive strum, deadening, staccato strum, vibrato, palm muting and much more.

*26 Exclusive Acoustic Guitar Jam Tracks - These are learned through step-by-step jamming lessons. I haven't quite learned all of these yet and I'm not the greatest at them, but I will be soon and they are very fun.

This is just some of what is offered with the software. There is also a lot of other useful information that I haven't quite gotten through yet.

How To Learn The Guitar - Learn To Play Guitar With Online Acoustic Lessons Conclusion

Now, the best part about the Jamorama software is that it's an instant download and has an extremely cheap price tag of $39.95. Not to mention a 60-day money back guarantee. Also, its kind of like a lifetime membership because the course is constantly being updated and you will be sent the updates for free.

Now, I don't know if there is any better way of learning acoustic guitar out there, but I can honestly tell you that I am very happy with this software. I can see myself playing just as good as my dad, if not better, within the next few months as long as I keep working at it. If you really struggle with learning your guitar and you don't give Jamorama a try, you will never learn. That was a bold statement...

Click the "Jamorama Acoustic Guitar Lessons" link on this page to discover more!

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