Friday, March 9, 2012

SENuke - Marketing - Social Marketing

My software products are always compared to SENuke.

SENuke was the first SEO software to focus on link wheels. It focuses strictly on web 2.0 sites to rank well in Google. Even cooler, it actually worked.

The creators supported their product 150% with frequent updates and worked with their customers to keep them happy.

SENuke did a lot right.

Their keyword research tool works well. Market Samurai blows it away. It's the best keyword research tool available.

Their software is the only one outside of my own that gives the ability to spin content for any type of submission you're doing with their software. The only problem is that they focus on spinning by word or phrase, instead of by sentence. Google will catch a spun piece of content that is the same length as a different one.

SENuke has many featuers. With video, RSS, social bookmarks, and web 2.0 content sites built in, you can build a lot of links to your sites and plenty of links to your links. The bad thing is that it's all social media focused. Google's been handing out slaps to these sites left and right lately...

SENuke users have had a decrease in the indexing of the wheels they create using the software. One user reported a 15% indexing rate. That's really bad.

SENuke has around 80 sites built in, according to their sales letter. That isn't much. Between Link Wheel and Traffic Magnet, there are well over 3,600 sites built in. Even if you took away web directories, there are over 500.

SENuke gives their users 25 articles per month to promote clickbank products. What happens when 1,000 people send out the same article? That just isn't cool.

The rankings shown on SENuke's site is not good. If a term is never searched, it doesn't make any sense to rank for it. They rank for SENuke, but they own the domain, so that isn't that hard to do.

SENuke isn't as automated as they claim. You have to go into your email and click the email verification links that most of the sites send you when you create an account. Link Wheel does that...

SENuke's strategy worked extremely well when it first was released, but they need to make some major changes to the strategy in their software for their users to continue to get the results they're used to. Link Wheel and Traffic Magnet are customizable, so you can duck Google slaps with ease.

SENuke is the leader right now. However, they've left a lot of room for people like me to come along and create cool software that's easy to use and provides killer results.

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