Even if your software doesn't have many control units (buttons, menu items, settings), it's not a light thing to test them all after each new version. Sometimes, a developer ignores this business, because he handled new functions and didn't transform the old ones, and they must work properly. This may lead to new releases with incorrect main functions.
In the article you can read how to produce software testing with the gorgeous autoclicker (). You should only reproduce the tasks you need to make certain that your software functions as it should or to detect every bug swiftly.
Here AutoClickExtreme autoclicker will produce testing of Backup Expert (a very famous backup software). We'll test the prime program function - back up of a certain folder with size proving of the resulting archive.
To make the experiment clear, we are going to pack one and the same folder - "D:automated software testingackup expert est folder". First of all, we'll put the folder in the archive, and directly before each test we'll move away the folder "D:automated software testingackup expert est folder" and bring back it from the archive. All the actions shouldn't be done manually, but by means of elementary *bat file. We'll give it the title "start testing.bat".
rmdir /Q /S "D:automated software testingackup expert est folder"mkdir "D:automated software testingackup expert est folder"xcopy /S "D:automated software testingackup expertarch est folder" "D:automated software testingackup expert est folder"start C:"Program Files""Backup Expert"BackupExpert.exe
In the folder named Test folder we can see approximately 100 files situated in the main folder and in it's subfolders. The overall size is 5 529 784 bytes. The size should be seen in the packed folder characteristics (unpacked size).
Now everything is organized for the autoclicker work. This software should press Record and straight after what we stop it with pressing Shift twice to insert the *bat file (it is to restore the original test folder). Then we agree to launch the application.
Then, in the autoclicker program we are to press "Continue Record" and, by means of Pixel Conrol alone, we record all the clicks on Backup Expert (we should do all events proposed by the wizard to direct the product what and how to pack). Straight after producing the job "Automated software testing", using Pixel Control we on our way to record the task to start packing. In autoclicker table of events all of us are sure to observe Pixel Control pieces.
The last 3 events are coloured blue, for they were inserted after the main Record had been produced. These three events are extremely important: event 45 - made to wait until the packing is completed by detecting the message: "Status: Successful", event 46 - to start the resulting archive, action 47 - must control the size. It must be equal to 5 529 784 bytes, for the test folder should always be regained and it's size is to be the same.
Your first test is made. The approximate time to make up the Record is 20 minutes together with all pauses for reflecting. It took 30 minutes more to make "start testing.bat" file, cause I had to find a number of the functions in Google. And you may need 10 minutes more to make ready the test folder. All in all, the first test is sure to be made in an hour, it's not very prompt, at first sight, but now it takes only 17 seconds to make automated software testing of the prime function with the autoclicker. Yet all the next following tests will take by far less time. You can also make ready a Record for changing and packing of some files placed in the test folder by using the option "backup type = Differential (new and modified since last full backup)" + reliable result control. It's easy to control packing of the most exotic cases. Surely, AutoClickExtreme autoclicker may not at full stretch substitute for alive (thoughtful) software testing, anyway it is able to be your sec ure assistant.
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