Monday, January 6, 2014

Free SEO Software, Free Backlink Builder - Business

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" which sounds a little scary and the truth is, it is scary.Ever since the existence of search engines people have been battling for the top spot of the results for their keyword since ultimately search engines provide people with targeted traffic.Getting traffic is tough, but there are many way you can get traffic.For instance, you can pay for ads. If you got a big budget ranging in the 6 figures then you will have no problem getting all the traffic you need however most people don't have a big budget especially if they are just starting online. Now a free way of getting unlimited amounts of targeted traffic is SEO.SEO involves you building backlinks and quality content to your website. This sounds simple but it really isn't. Building backlinks is tough and a process that goes on for years. However there are ways of cutting this process down. Automated software can build you backlinks for your keyword and improve your search engin e rankings in a matter of days and sometimes even hours. SEO companies use these kind of automated software's, however they don't come cheap. They usually cost in the thousands per month so realistically most people can never even dream of using them. However there is a free alternative to these software's that builds you backlinks for any keyword, indexes them and then pings them.This combination gives noticeable results in a matter of hours since it only builds backlinks to related sites that are highly ranked. So how much would you expect a software that can get your search engine ranking up in a matter of hours cost?Nope, it is actually 100% free. It's a new software called the Free SEO Backlink Building Software. Yes, the name is a little obvious to what it does but it truly is an amazing software that gives real results fast. New websites have been ranked on page one within a week, these kind of results usually take months or even years. SEO companies have begun using this software themselves too. So why pay for some company to run a simple point and click software for you when you can do it yourself. All you got to do is, enter your URL and enter one keyword. Then click run. Simple as that. It takes about 15 - 30 minutes to finish then you can enter a new keyword and hit run. Just repeat the process about 3 or 4 times and you will start seeing some results pretty quick. You will also notice an increase in traffic, and if your selling something, an increase on sales.This software has recently been used by affiliate marketers to advertise affiliate links. All they did was enter their affiliate link and a related keyword and they started getting targeted traffic to their affiliate links making them sales. The great thing is how flexible the software is. What ever market your website is in it can rank you for that market. So if your website is about Basketball simply enter the keyword basketball and that's it. Ok, basketball is very generic so it would be a good idea to be a bit more specific. So if you're selling basketballs then a good keyword would be "buy basketballs".

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